How I Did It


With my course set on figuring out my  diet challenges, I consumed all the published words that I could discover on diabetes cures. Articles in medical journals, the books in Barnes and Noble and on Amazon, online diabetic forums, and even all the hype in my junk mail.

I got plenty of ideas from this.

Next I started testing those ideas.

I tried:

Whole Grains vs refined flour baked goods

All the grains that I became aware of

milk chocolate vs dark chocolate

bedtime snacks

pasta vs rice

bananas vs apples

berries vs chocolate

salami vs steak (and grass fed meat vs grain fed)

beans vs meat

chicken vs pork vs beef vs fish… You get the idea.

My blood glucose meter was the judge of which choice was best… and yes, there were surprises.


What became clear to me, over time, was that quantity matters. Even with the right choices, I needed to learn to become less hungry. My appetite would make me or break me… and I figured out that snacks play the key role in appetite control.

Some snacks satisfy, and life is good. Other treats set me up for losing control later with INCREASING hunger. On bad days, I was binge eating all food in sight, once I got home from work.

Why this happens.